Meal Prep : Snack Edition

So I tried something new this week; meal prepping snacks. Yep, that’s right, I didn’t meal prep whole meals, I meal prepped individual snack boxes. I used to be that person who would spend an entire Sunday afternoon grocery shopping and then meal prepping endless healthy meals that would take forever and also cost a ton of money. Not only did I absolutely dread meal prepping on a Sunday, but I would actually stress myself out if I didn’t know what I was eating for the week. Talk about counterintuitive! I will say that I have been able to refine this process a bit by really, really simplifying what I eat during the week. It has taken some time to adjust to working from home and understanding what I do and do not have time to make myself throughout the week. Basically, very simple meals are my jam. I usually try to eat a protein, fat and green at every meal. I don’t do a lot of complex recipes and generally, I eat about the same 5 meals on rotation. Now this can get kinda boring and also, still a bit time consuming. I had this idea to meal prep snacks because I’m really bad about remembering to eat if I’m stuck on zoom calls all day. Then 4 o’clock would roll around and I was just too tired to make the salad I bought ingredients for and end up driving to 7/11 for a Diet Coke and a bag of chips. Not only was I constricting key nutrients for my body, I also was messing up my blood sugar and going on a roller coaster of emotional highs and lows throughout the day.

Meal prepping my snack boxes was a real unlock for me. It was so easy, I was basically assembling all the ingredients, rather than making them. I also got to be a little creative and made each box different. This has been helpful as they are overall smaller portions and I find myself just grabbing one from the fridge multiple times a day in between zoom calls. It’s like a little gift I give my future, busy self. Below are the three snack variations I prepped, but I plan on getting more creative! Let me know in the comments below if you’d like to see more snack prep ideas.

Protein Box

  • 2 hard boiled eggs

  • Cubed Cheese

  • Pretzels

  • Grapes

Mediterranean Box

  • Baby Carrots

  • Snap Peas

  • Turkey Slices (rolled)

  • Feta Cheese cubes

  • Olives

  • Tzatziki

Veggie Box

  • Baby Carrots

  • Snap Peas

  • Baby Bell Peppers (sliced)

  • Cucumbers (sliced)

  • Caramelized Onion Bitchin’ Sauce 


Word of the Week : Inspiration


3 times a day I carve out time for movement