Word of The Week : Manifest

Manifest is such a buzzy word right now. It seems like everywhere you go, you’re hearing people say “oh, ya I manifested that” or “I’m manifesting this” but what does it actually mean. To me, manifesting is creating your own reality.

My love of manifestation started about ten years ago when I read The Secret. There was something so exciting about realizing that anything I desired was possible. I loved making vision boards and would spend hours dreaming up what I thought my perfect life would look like. The Secret is a little dated with its “think positive” and visualization method. I never really found a lot of success with it but I did feel like there was some truth to that school of thought. I re-discovered my love of manifestation when I found Lacy Philips and her To Be Magnetic work about 5 years ago. Her approach was much more realistic and based in psychology and neuroscience.

At the beginning of the year I was feeling really blocked in my life. I can’t really describe it any other way than that. I had been listening to the To Be Magnetic podcast for years but had never committed to the their online digital workshops. After a rough couple of years filled with a significant amount of change, I decided to give it a shot.

So far so good! I will say that this work is based mainly in deeper, therapeutic work thats all about clearing subconscious limiting beliefs. It really is so fascinating when you start getting to the root of why you don’t believe you are worthy of having something. The other amazing thing I love about To Be Magnetic is the community and ongoing resources around this work. It really is so worth it to sign up.

This work can be really exhausting and heavy so here are a few tips I have for starting this program.

- Pace yourself : When I first signed up I was so excited to start manifesting that I was trying to go through all the courses really fast. I burned out a bit in the beginning and to be honest, didn’t really get much out of it. Take your time and go slow. They have suggested calendars and timelines for each workshop and I would recommend following them as closely as you can.

- You’ll get out of it what you put into it : This goes for a lot of things in life but the more you put into this and the more serious you take it, the more results you will see. I’ve even done a few of the courses a few times to go deeper and get to the root of my own subconscious limiting beliefs.

- Don’t be hard on yourself : If nothing comes up for you in the beginning - that’s ok! When I first starting doing the journaling portion, I felt like my thoughts were chaotic and didn’t make sense. But over time, themes starting emerging and I started understanding myself more. It takes time!

If you have any questions or you’re also into Lacy Phillips method and want to chat, I’d love to connect!


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Serotonin : Playlist