3 things to remember when Trusting the Universe feels hard.
Have you ever had the feeling that the universe just does not want you to receive the thing you desire the most? I have. It’s as if everyone around you is able to easily achieve and for whatever the reason, it’s a big fat NOPE for you. I can relate this feeling back to several phases of my life and when reflecting back, it all makes sense as to why it didn’t happen at the exact moment I wanted it to. But why is that so hard to remember in the moment? Whenever I’m feeling frustrated with my own progress I try to reground with these three things.
Reflection - Its helpful to look back at your life and make those connections on why everything worked out the way it was suppose to. For example, the process of buying our first home was absolute HELL. We put in offers on several homes before we eventually got the one we did. Looking back, I’m SO THANKFUL we didn’t get the house we lost out on. I remember being so upset in the moment, but the house we did end up buying was without a doubt the best house for us and way better than the ones we’d lost out on. This is always a great reminder for me to trust the process.
Practice being content - If you look hard enough you can find something to be grateful for every day. The trick is to do this often. It’s like a muscle, the more you practice gratitude the more gratitude you feel! It’s easy to compare ourselves to others and wish that our current reality was different. But the truth is, you will always want more. Try being happy with exactly where you are, this moment is fleeting too and future you will look back and have a completely different perspective.
Journal as future you - I love doing this. It feels a little weird at first, but take some time to journal as your future self who already has what you desire. Express gratitude for the timing of your life and practice being grateful for receiving what you have. Your subconscious won’t know the difference and you’ll be amazed at how this can instantly improve your mood and mindset.